Total Lockdown: 1st June – 14th June 2021


The Prime Minister had just announced the order for total lockdown from 1st June till 14th June 2021. We will enter the first phase of total lockdown which will see the social & economic sectors all fully closed down.

Photo: PMO
Photo: PMO

The order states that within this period, all sectors are forbidden to operate except essential economic and service sector.

If the first phase succeeds to lower daily cases, the government will execute phase 2 which will allow a few economic sectors to reopen provided there are no large gatherings and physical distancing.

The second phase will run for 4 weeks after the first phase ends. After the second phase ends, the third phase will be similar to our current MCO where no social sectors are allowed but almost all economic sectors will reopen.

The decision to transition to phases will be evaluated by The Ministry of Health (KKM) as they calculate risk factors according to daily reports.

The government will ensure that our medical system will not collapse. Various support and help will be given to KKM to increase the capacity of hospitals across the nation. The government will also increase vaccinations in the coming weeks to ensure we reach herd immunity as soon as possible.

As the government decides to enforce total lockdown on all economic and social sectors, the Ministry of Finance will look into the details of the assistance package to citizens and also the economic sector. This matter will be announced in the near future.

All Malaysian citizens are advised to be discipline and exercise total compliance to SOPs the break the spread of Covid-19. It is best to STAY AT HOME.

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